Amplar Allied Health Referral for Services

Ph: 1300 660 086     Email:


  1. Complete all fields with relevant information.
    Please note:
    The fields marked with *  are mandatory. These sections must be completed to be able to submit the form. 

  2. To submit your referral, click the ‘ Submit ’ button at the bottom of the page.

  3. A confirmation window will open to let you know when your referra l has been submitted.

Please note:

  • This is a secure and confidential way to submit the information entered to protect the privacy of our clients.

  • Relevant fields will populate when certain information is added.

To 'Save & Complete Later', ' Print' or ‘ Save as a PDF', please refer to the instructions at the bottom of the page.


The following section refers to the client who is being referred for a service. 

Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX
Note: Amplar Allied Health does not have an interpreter service. We will discuss with the client (or their representative) at initial contact and support the client with their interpreter arrangements.


Note: Amplar Allied Health does not bulk bill Medicare CDM referrals. Payment is required at the time of the service.
Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX
Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX
This refers to the single digit number next to the person's name on their Medicare card.




Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX


Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX


For CDM and DVA referrals, a copy of the referral must be uploaded otherwise the client will be invoiced as a 'private' client (and will be required to self-pay). 


If you have selected the dietetics service please upload any of the following if available:

  • Pathology Tests (blood results)

  • Food Chart/Diary

  • Weight History

Note: You can still proceed with the service if the above is not available. 


If available please ensure any relevant  Discharge or Medical Summaries  are uploaded below.




Mobile number MUST be in format +614XXXXXXXX
Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Save & Complete Later Instructions:

If you are unable to complete all sections of the form and/or need to complete it later, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click the ' Save and Complete Later' link at the bottom of the page.

  2. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address, where a link will be sent so you can access and complete the form later.

  3. To submit your referral, click the ‘ Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

Please note:  You will need to complete this process again if you wish to save a new draft.

Printing Instructions:

To print a copy of the completed form, please follow the below steps before you click ‘Submit’, as you are unable to print the form once it has been submitted.

  1. Complete all relevant information.

  2. Right click on form.

  3. Select ' Print'.

  4. Print as per normal printing processes.

  5. To submit your referral, click the ‘ Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

Save As PDF Instructions:

To save a copy of the completed form in PDF format, please follow the below steps before you click ‘Submit’, as you are unable to save the form once it has been submitted.

  1. Complete all relevant information.

  2. Right click on form.

  3. Select ' Print'.

  4. Select ' Save as PDF' in the ‘Printer’ drop down box options.

  5. Click on ' Save'.

  6. Save as per normal saving processes.

  7. To submit your referral, click the ‘ Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

© HealthStrong Pty Ltd 

Amplar Allied Health is a business of Healthstrong Pty Ltd (ABN 61 155 277 919)